Mission Statement

Golden Corridor Republican Women is a Judeo Christian based, local club of the Texas Federation of Republican Women that works to educate our community on Republican values while advocating and supporting Republican leaders who share those values. Founded by empowered women, Golden Corridor takes an active approach to upholding our Constitution, protecting our community, and making an impact for future generations.

President’s Pen

President’s Pen July 4th, 2024

Happy Independence Day, GCRW members and friends,

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people he chose for his inheritance reads Psalm 33:12. Fourth of July, our Independence Day, has its celebrations with fireworks, barbecue, apple pie with family laughter. These are wonderful, however, if we don’t teach our children and invite our neighbors to understand the Declaration of Independence, we will miss how it was achieved through clinging to the promises in God’s word, hardships, battles and a fight for freedom.

As our family gathers, we are reminded to hold fast to the foundation of what this country was founded on: Judeo-Christian principles. Most of you have heard my story: I became a U.S. citizen in 2018 while President Trump was in office. It was one of the best days of my life. He invited us to make a difference and partake in the American dream while serving others and running for office. Many, including my family and I, wanted to move to the United States of America for one reason because of how GOOD America is. Our communities are diverse and the best way to celebrate our American pride is to preserve American traditions.

“In God We Trust” is our nation’s motto. We believe our rights and liberties are granted by our Creator and therefore cannot be taken away by man. I’d like to encourage you to plan an Independence Day tradition to remember and celebrate the history of our country, whether it is sipping iced tea to remember the Boston Tea Party or eating salted pretzels to remember the many tears of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for freedom. There is meaning behind what America is and what our flag stands for: courage, purity and perseverance in the red, white and blue. Liberty means we are all free to pursue our dreams and go as far in life as hard work and good fortune will take us. We cannot lose the identity of our country. July 4th is America’s birthday; the idea of America lives on, the story of America radiates across generations so join me as we make our celebrations meaningful.

I am including brief blurbs from a few young Republican voices.  Enjoy reading their versions as they profess the joy of our beautiful nation.  Happy 248th Birthday America!!!

America Is a Quilt Blanket

America is a quilt blanket. With various distinct threads and differing patterns. With vibrant and blazing colors and designs. With stubborn stains and blemishes from the past. With the nostalgic scent of childhood and grandma’s house. And with the safety of its covers that can be a protection and shield.

To me, America is more than hotdogs, fireworks, and red, white, and blue. And I even venture to argue that America is more than just a symbol, way of life, or even a set of values and traditions. This country is a place and a people who have the privilege to share a soil that was sowed to last and to flourish. Autonomy and service are intrinsic to the stitching of this fabric. What began as “no taxation without representation” became something far more significant. To say that it is a blessing to be an American is an understatement, because I get the opportunity to speak my mind without fear and grow up alongside people from around the world with stories of old and of fortitude. And the right and honor that holds the utmost importance to me is the ability to praise my Lord and Savior freely and with overwhelming joy and gratitude. We live in a nation where the government serves the people and the people serve each other. What a beautiful paradox to the broken history of humanity taking advantage of power.

America, the Free World, is a gift. Let us take delight in this tapestry of tenacity and liberty, and hold firm to the sheets of freedom that have been so generously lavished on us.

America is a quilt blanket.

-Sarah Jang (Class of 2025, Allen High School) daughter of GCRW Board Member, Lisa Jang (Website)

The American Blessing

Each year as the 4th of July approaches, I am greatly reminded of what makes Independence Day so special. It’s the celebration of freedom and the unique blessings enjoyed by every citizen. There are many countries around the world where basic civil liberties are withheld. America is a beacon of light as nations witness the freedom of religion, speech, and education are expressed propelling ingenuity which allows our nation to achieve greatness. Another blessing that is hard to look past is the beauty of the land of America, God’s masterpiece. As it’s sung in the song America the Beautiful, “from sea to shining sea” we have been blessed with the magnificence of the sandy beaches in Florida, the snowy caps of the Appalachian Mountains, the plains of Texas to the wondrous park of Yellowstone and so much more.

I try my best to be thankful for these blessings by utilizing every opportunity I am given to serve my country. From engaging at TPUSA meetings to poll greeting for local candidates, to singing the national anthem at over 20 events in my county, I am fortunate to use my voice to stand up for Republican values. Although we celebrate Independence Day for one day in the year, the freedoms and blessings awarded to chase the American Dream should be remembered and lived out passionately every day. The Lord’s banner continues to fly over the United States of America.  God Bless America.

-Esther Abiog (Texas A&M Class of 2028) daughter of GCRW President, Sam Abiog

American Values

When it comes to morality, I see the Republican party as aligning most closely with the teachings of the Bible compared to other political parties. Trusting in God is fundamental, both in our personal lives and in the context of government. The foundational similarities between the Republican Party and the Bible are frequently rooted in the values that adhere to my own Christian principles. If you couldn’t already tell, my faith means a lot to me, and it is imperative that my life is structured around my beliefs.

I don’t have to compromise anything to consider myself a Christian and a conservative. I identify as a Republican because of my Christian faith, my unwavering belief in the sanctity of life, my commitment to family values, and my alignment with a free market that encourages capitalism.

-Sienna Schnell (Excerpt from GCRW Scholarship Recipient’s 2024 Essay)

Wishing all a safe and happy 4th of July!

Sam Abiog
GCRW President

Renew Your Membership/Join GCRW As A New Member

Have you renewed your membership?  Your dues help GCRW provide excellent educational programs, fund scholarships for young Republican women, and in election years such as this, help Republican candidates get elected by providing funds through our PAC.  We provide many opportunities for involvement, candidate engagement and volunteerism through our club as well as through our membership in the Texas Federation for Republican Women.

GCRW August General Meeting

August 1 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

GCRW September General Meeting

September 5 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

GCRW October General Meeting

October 3 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

GCRW November General Meeting

November 7 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Recent Events

April 4, 2024 Program – Recap

Special thanks to our guest speaker Jonathan Covey, Texas Values.

March 7, 2024 Program – Recap

Special thanks to Senator Bob Hall for his informative presentation on election integrity. We greatly appreciate the time he spent with us.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Collin County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner is at the historic Southfork Ranch. The featured guest is U.S. Senator Ted Cruz.

February 1, 2024 Program – Recap

Our first event of 2024 was a sold out success!  On February 1, GCRW sponsored a “Candidate Speed Dating” event for candidates running in the March primary election. We had 108 guest participants interacting with 16 candidates from 4 Collin County State Representative races, the 401st District Court and Tax Assessor/Collector.

Presenting excellent
programs to inform
and educate our members.

Why should you join Golden Corridor Republican Women?

To address the important issues of the day regarding women, families, and education.

To keep members informed on critical issues and strengthen the conservative voice within the Republican Party.

To help support and elect Republican candidates.

To come together as grassroots activists to have an impact on our government on every level.



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