Golden Corridor Republican Women
Chartered in Collin County, Texas in April 1990
Approved 10/19/2023




The name of this club shall be Golden Corridor Republican Women hereinafter referred to as “Club”. This Club is affiliated with the Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW or “State Federation”) and with the National Federation of Republican Women (“NFRW”).


The Objectives of this Club shall be to:

  1. Increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government;
  2. Disseminate information to all members;
  3. Inform the public through political education and activity;
  4. Foster loyalty to the Republican Party at all levels of government;
  5. Promote the principles of the Republican Party;
  6. Work for Republican candidates in all elections within PAC Guidelines;
  7. Support the objectives and policies of the Republican Party; and
  8. Perform any lawful activity not inconsistent with the



The Club, its President and V.P. Campaigns and Legislation shall not publicly endorse any candidate for public office in contested Republican primaries, runoff elections, and special elections, and/or non-partisan elections when more than one Republican is in the race. Individual members of this organization may work for the candidate of their choice in contested Republican primaries, but not in the name of the Club or State Federation.

An officer of the organization who is a candidate or whose spouse or family member is a candidate shall be exempt from this rule, however, they may not do so in the name of the organization or by utilizing the logo or stationery of NFRW, TFRW, or the Club.

No candidate shall use the NFRW, TFRW, or Club logo in any political advertising, and any political advertising shall contain the following disclaimer: “This endorsement is given by the individual(s) only, NOT the National Federation of Republican Women, Texas Federation of Republican Women, or Golden Corridor Republican Women.”

Section 2. SPLIT TICKET. Neither the Club nor an individual member shall advocate a split ticket, support an opposition party candidate, or act against the NFRW, State Federation, or Club policies and bylaws.

Section 3. OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. The Club shall not affiliate with any political organization which is not officially recognized as working in concert with the Texas Federation of Republican Women, NFRW, or the Republican National Committee.

Section 4.REGISTERED PAC. The Club shall be registered with the Texas Ethics Commission as a Political Action Committee.

Section 5. CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES. The Club, its Executive Committee, and its officers shall not issue statements or pass resolutions on controversial issues in the name of the organization without first polling its members and obtaining a two-thirds (2/3) written vote of approval of the total membership.

Section 6. LOBBYING. There shall be no lobbying with legislators using the name of the Texas Federation of Republican Women by any federated local club or any individual member without the express permission of the Board of Directors of the Texas Federation of Republican Women.

Section 7. CANDIDATE FAIRNESS. After the end of the candidate filing period for any office and ending the day after the final election for that office, it is the policy of TFRW that all Republican candidates for that office shall be treated fairly and equitably. When one Republican candidate for an office is invited to speak at a Federation or local club meeting, then all Republican candidates for that office shall be offered equal presentation time at the same meeting or another meeting before the election. (This rule includes candidate fairness during primaries, run offs and special elections. It applies to candidates at all levels. Federated clubs are state and not Federal PACs. Please see the TFRW Federal Candidate Policy for rules pertaining to working with federal candidates. There are limitations regarding what is permissible.)



  1. Any Republican woman who believes in the philosophy of the Republican Party and supports the mission statement, objectives, and policies of this organization shall be eligible for primary membership. A woman applying for primary membership shall designate only the Club as her local primary club of the State Federation and the Club shall submit her name and State Federation dues to the State Federation on her behalf.
  2. A member in good standing shall be a member who has paid the required dues for the current calendar year. The dues amount for primary members will be stated in the Club’s standing rules and amended as required.
  3. A primary member shall be a registered
  4. A new primary member is eligible to vote when dues have been timely


  1. Any woman who is a primary member of another State Federation club who supports the objectives and policies of the Club shall be eligible to become an associate member upon payment of required annual The dues amount for associate members shall be stated in the Club’s standing rules and amended as required.
  2. Associate members cannot hold office, vote, or be counted in determining the number of delegates to NFRW or the Texas Federation of Republican Women meetings or
  3. Republican men may be associate members but cannot make motions, hold office, have a voice, vote, or be counted in determining the number of primary members.
  4. Republican youth, meaning persons under eighteen years of age, may be an associate member if he or she pays the required annual Associate youth members cannot make motions, hold office, have a voice, vote, or be counted in determining the number of primary members.
  5. Associate dues remain with the Associate members are not reported to the State Federation or NFRW.

Section 3. SUBMISSION OF OFFICERS. The Club shall elect officers and send lists of their names, addresses, zip codes, telephone numbers and email addresses to the Texas Federation of Republican Women Headquarters by January 1 of each year, and to the District Director.


Section 1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 through December 31.

Section 2. MEMBERSHIP DUES. Membership dues shall be payable no later than December 31 and shall be delinquent March 1. Dues collected in November and December may be applied to the following year’s membership. Dues for all members shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. SERVICE CHARGES. Club shall pay Texas Federation of Republican Women dues and NFRW per capita dues, and the annual service charges on behalf of its members, with the first payment of the year to be made no later than December 31 of each year.


Section 1. ELECTED OFFICERS. The elected officers of this club shall be a President, Vice President(s), Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2. ELIGIBILITY. Each elected officer shall be a primary member in good standing of the Club.

Section 3. VACANCY. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President Elect or, if there is not President Elect, the V.P. Programs. All other vacancies in elected office shall be filled by election by the Executive Committee at the first meeting following the creation of the vacancy.

Section 4. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE OR MEMBERSHIP. Members of the Executive Committee or members of the Club may be removed in accordance with the adopted NFRW Removal Policy- Special Rules dated May 24, 2023.

Section 5. ELECTION. The officers shall be elected at the November general membership meeting and shall serve a term of two years, or until their successors are elected.


  1. The President shall:
    1. Call and preside over all meetings of the Club and the Executive Committee;
    2. Represent the Club at all times or designate someone as representative/proxy in her absence or inability to do so;
    3. Make Committee appointments as necessary to conduct the business of the Cub, except the Nominating Committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee;
    4. Prepare a program of action in consultation with the Chairmen of the Standing Committees for presentation and approval by the Executive Committee;
    5. Submit an annual budget for approval by the membership;
    6. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Financial Review and Nominating Committees;
    7. Co-sign checks as one of two authorized signatures, namely President and Treasurer;
    8. Represent the Club in all Republican Party activities;
    9. Appoint the Financial Review Committee in November, with the exception of a change of Treasurer at which time a complete review will be done;
    10. Accept resignation by written letter or e-mail of any member wanting to resign from a position, chairmanship, or the Club; and
    11. Call meetings of the Executive Committee; or upon the request of three members of the Executive Committee.
  2. The Vice President(s) shall:
    1. Perform the duties of the President in her absence;
    2. Fill the unexpired term in the event of a vacancy in the office of President; and
    3. Perform such other duties as are assigned by the President, the Executive Committee or the Club.
  3. The Secretary shall:
    1. Keep the minutes of all meetings of the Club and Executive Committee;
    2. Keep a current inventory of Club property;
    3. Prepare Club correspondence in coordination with President;
    4. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President, the Executive Committee or the Club; and
    5. Maintain all Club records and historical
  4. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Serve as custodian of all Club funds and deposit them in a bank(s) approved by the Executive Committee;
    2. Co-sign checks as one of two authorized signatures, namely President and Treasurer;
    3. Disburse funds as directed by the Executive Committee or the membership;
    4. Bring written financial report(s) to regular Club and Executive Committee meetings;
    5. Submit dues, annual service fees, and reports to Texas Federation of Republican Women as required;
    6. Submit the financial records to the Financial Review committee for an annual review to be completed by the first meeting of the fiscal year;
    7. Perform other duties as assigned by the President, the Executive Committee or the Club; and
    8. Comply with all state elections and reporting

Section 7. RECORDS. All officers and all committee chairmen shall deliver all records, files, passwords, social media administrative rights, membership (including primary, associate, and patron) lists and directories, and properties of the Club to their successors upon retiring from office, unless otherwise directed by the President or the Executive Committee.


Section 1. APPOINTED OFFICERS. The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, a Corresponding Secretary and Parliamentarian.


  1. The Corresponding Secretary shall:
    1. Conduct the correspondence of the Club under the supervision of the President;
    2. Preserve in a permanent file all letters and papers of value to the Club; and
    3. Perform other duties as assigned by the President, the Executive Committee or the Club.
  2. The Parliamentarian shall:
    1. Serve as counsel and give advice on parliamentary procedure;
    2. Be familiar with the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Club; and
    3. Be entitled to the membership privilege of a ballot vote if a Club


Section 1. REGULAR MEETINGS. A minimum of five (5) regular meetings shall be held during the Club year. These meetings shall be held as decided by the Executive Committee. A quorum at Club meetings shall be twenty-five percent of primary members. At least fourteen (14) days’ notice shall be given to all members for regular meetings.

Section 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings may be called by the President upon the request of five members of the Executive Committee or by twenty percent of primary members of the Club. The purpose of the meetings shall be stated in the call, with no other business to be transacted at the meeting. At least a five-day notice shall be given to all members for any special meeting.

Section 3. ANNUAL MEETING. The November meeting will be designated as the Annual Meeting.

Section 4. VOTING. A vote of the Club or Executive Committee may be conducted by mail, telephone, fax, email, or other approved electronic means between meetings, provided there is participation by a majority of the members of the body. The vote shall be ratified and entered into the minutes at the body’s next regular meeting.

Section 5. NOTICE. Notice for all meetings may be mailed or sent electronically including but not limited by email.


Section 1. COMPOSITION. The Executive Committee of this club shall consist of:

  1. The elected officers;
  2. The Immediate Past President;
  3. The Corresponding Secretary;
  4. The Standing Committee Chairs;
  5. The Parliamentarian; and
  6. The Special Committee Chairmen, each without

Section 2. DUTIES. The Executive Committee shall transact necessary business between meetings of the Club, approve committee appointments made by the President, and perform other duties as assigned by the Club.

Section 3. MEETINGS. The Executive Committee shall meet as decided by the President or the Committee. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon the request of a majority of the Committee. At least a fourteen (14) day notice shall be given for meetings. Notice may be mailed or sent electronically.

In the event a properly called meeting has to be canceled due to circumstances beyond the control of the Club, then it shall be acceptable to hold said meeting by an approved electronic means with seven days’ notice being given to all the members of the executive committee. This section does not apply to a meeting required by these Bylaws that has not already been called.

Section 4. QUORUM. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.



  1. The standing committee chairmen of this club shall be appointed by the President, and approved by the Executive Committee, to include Legislative, Bylaws, Campaign Activities, Fundraising (or Ways and Means), and Membership.
  2. Officers may be appointed to chair standing committees, and no other standing committee chairmen may be named without an amendment of theses Bylaws.
  3. Standing committee chairmen shall be appointed for the same term as the President and shall be voting members of the Executive Committee.
  4. Duties of Standing Committees
    1. Legislative
      1. Shall implement legislative concerns important to the Club; and
      2. Shall inform the Club and Executive Committee of any legislation affecting the interests of NFRW and Texas Federation of Republican
    2. Bylaws
      1. Conduct a biennial review of the Club bylaws;
      2. Request and receive proposed amendments to the bylaws, submit them to the Executive Committee for action, or initiate changes requested by the Club;
      3. General membership shall have final vote of amendments; and
  1. Furnish Texas Federation of Republican Women Bylaws Committee with a complete set of Club bylaws for review and approval. Any subsequent revision of bylaws shall be sent to the Texas Federation of Republican Women Bylaws Committee for approval.
  1. Campaign Activities
    1. Shall coordinate all activities of the Club’s campaign program and be responsible for the collection and reporting of campaign hours.
  1. Fundraising (or Ways and Means)
    1. Shall prepare and implement a plan for raising funds in order to meet the Club’s budget; and
    2. Shall notify the treasurer of all fundraising committee meetings and may attend.
  1. Membership
    1. Shall coordinate all membership renewal and new member efforts
    2. Shall compile and maintain complete membership lists
    3. Shall ensure that all membership information is shared with the Treasurer and others as deemed necessary and is submitted to the state and national federations according to deadlines


  1. The President may appoint chairmen of special committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, at any time as it may become necessary. Special Committee Chairmen do not have a vote on the Executive Committee.
    1. Special Committees should include: Public Relations/Communications, Caring for America, and Literacy. Other Special Committees may be appointed as
  2. Financial Review Committee. A committee of three primary members shall be appointed by the president in November of each year whose duty it shall be to review the treasurer’s accounts at the close of the fiscal year and shall report to the Executive Committee and to the membership at the first meeting of the following fiscal year.

Section 3. COMMITTEE MEMBERS. All committee members must be primary members in good standing in the Club.

Section 4. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating and Financial Review Committees. The President shall have final authority over all printed materials.



  1. A Nominating Committee of three primary members shall be nominated with the President nominating one and the Executive Committee nominating two. The Committee shall elect its own chairman. The Parliamentarian will instruct the Committee as to proper procedure and will be available for further counsel if
  2. The Nominating Committee shall report a slate of one candidate for each office at the Executive Committee meeting in October and to the general membership, fifteen days prior to the annual November general meeting. At the general meeting in November of each year, the Nominating Committee shall present the slate for election. All nominees shall be primary members in good standing in the club and shall give written consent to serve, if elected. Nominations from the floor shall be in order following the report of the Nominating Committee and just before the election; and
  3. Nominating Committee members shall not succeed
  4. Officers elected in November of each year shall be sworn into their position at the December general meeting and their term shall begin at that time.


  1. Elections shall be by ballot at the regular or a special meeting in However, if there is but one nominee for any office, the election for that office may be by voice vote;
  2. No officer may simultaneously run for more than one office; and
  3. Officers may run for a second consecutive


Section 1. ANNUAL MEETING. At the Texas Federation of Republican Women biennial convention, the club shall elect representation to the convention in the method set forth in the Texas Federation of Republican Women bylaws.

Section 2. DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES. Election of delegates and alternates shall take place at a general meeting before convention to conform to Texas Federation of Republican Women certification requirement.


Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Club in all instances where they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, NFRW and the Texas Federation of Republican Women bylaws and any special rules of order.


These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any regular (general) meeting of the Club, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall have been sent to each member thirty (30) days prior to the date of the general meeting.


This Club may be dissolved by a two-thirds vote at any regular or special meeting of the club, provided that notice of the dissolution has been submitted in writing at least thirty (30) days prior and has been sent to all members of the club. In the event of dissolution, the Executive Committee shall, after payment of all liabilities of the club, distribute any remaining assets to the Texas Federation of Republican Women. No funds shall be distributed to any member or officer of the club. The right to use the name of a dissolved club shall revert to the Texas Federation of Republican Women.

These Bylaws approved and adopted by Golden Corridor Republican Women on October 19, 2023.

Presenting excellent
programs to inform
and educate our members.

Why should you join Golden Corridor Republican Women?

To address the important issues of the day regarding women, families, and education.

To keep members informed on critical issues and strengthen the conservative voice within the Republican Party.

To help support and elect Republican candidates.

To come together as grassroots activists to have an impact on our government on every level.


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